Monday, September 22, 2008

Lots of things have been overlooked...

This week, we have to choose the best product from our group to be presented to the class. Mine is not the best product, we decide to choose from others. This presentations really helps me a lot to evaluate my own product. There are some products which are good only need some improvement and some really need to think again of their products.
Comments from Prof, tutors and friends for the products that have been presented are really helpful for me to consider and think of my product.
There are lots of think that need to be improved. It is true that, why we need to use the IWB if the activities that we design can be done and presented in the paper...I really need to think the suitablity of my activities with the tools and software from the IWB in order to be able to prepare an interactive lesson.
It means that tehre are still lots of work to week is the due date..Chayok!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Week 9

The submission date for 3rd assignment is just around the corner. My work was only 60% finish. I still not achieve the requirements of our tutors and lecturer that by this week class we should already finish 80%. In order to help us, Prof. and tutors wanted each group to send a representative to do the presentation. We had to choose the best of our work to be presented to them and our friends. Besides, Prof and tutors wanted to see the progress of our work and give us opportunities to improve on our work.

Besides the tutors and Prof themselves being the evaluator, our peers also being the assessors for the presentations. It had encouraged peer-assessment. When there was a group presenting, other groups become the evaluator. We need to evaluate each others work. All of us need to think critically on the products that had been presented by our friends and gave feedback both positive and negative. This presentation had helped us a lot in completing and does the final touch for our work. This was because, during the presentation, we got a clearer view on how our work will be assessed. We should take into consideration many things. We become aware of the quality of the product that we will produce.

There were a set of criteria that should be taken into consideration in order to meet the expectations both parties; lectures and students. For instance, the creativity, the organization, the practicality, the content and etc. These criteria will help us to produce product of a good quality so that it will be very useful to be used in the classroom.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Assignment 3..progression..

Assignment 3..I still do not have the idea on what topic to choose for this assignment. Last week, my group members have decided on the subject that we are going to use. some of us will be doing English and some will be doing Mathematics. I only have two weeks more. I need to put on my thinking cap on what topic to do. There is not much time left. I have read the article on IWB and I already have the idea on how IWB can be used. Now, what I need to do is try to implement the information and knowledge that I have gain from the smartboard workshop and the article on IWB as well.
Hoping that I will be able to produce activities that can make the children's eyes "sparking".