Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Video submission

The time had come when we had to submit our assignment 2. At last, I was able to finish it on time. we had to submit it in groups. all of us made it on time. Making a video that is going to be used for primary school children is not that easy. we had to consider lots of things such as the target audience for that video, their age, previous knowledge, the outcome that we want to achieve when they see the video and so on. All these things are very important because this will ensure whether the message or input from the video is delivered and children are able to gain knowledge from it.
My video in meant for the upper primary children for teaching science.

In completing this video, I used windows movie maker. It was the first time for me dealing with this software. I learnt how to import pictures, insert music, and how to add text in order to produce a 3 minutes video. It was not that easy for a new learner like me. But that didn't make me lose my motivation. With the help of my friends, I was able to complete it and I was very satisfied with my final product. I don't know how well or bad my video is but the main thing is, I satisfied with my work.

The most important thing is I learn a new skill and gain lots of new knowledge.

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