Thursday, October 16, 2008

FISH! Philosophy

I've learned another new philosophy from Prof. FISH! philosophy. What is it? FISH! It is a skill that provides the process, tools and language to generate the skills necessary to design a workplace full of inspiration, creativity and innovation. FISH! It creates a common language that will help improve your culture. There are four simple practices in FISH! Philosophy which are 1) Be There, 2) Play, 3) Make Their Day and 4) Choose Your Attitude. FISH! is an invitation that enables people to care about each other and their commitments. FISH! is an ongoing journey and a practice and a skill that develops over time creating a positive workplace and a vibrant culture each time it is embraced.

What is meant by those four practices? Be there- Teachers should always available for the pupils no matter what the conditions are. We should be able to listen to the pupils’ problem no matter what their problems are and this includes both personal and learning problems. If they have difficulty in their learning, teacher should be able to facilitate them to understand the topic better and teachers should be willingly to sacrifice their time in order to help their pupils. Play- Young learners like to play so much. They need something fun and enjoyable to enable them to participate in the learning and understand better in their learning. As teachers, we should create the learning environment whereby the pupils can make enjoy the teaching and learning and this can be done by designing activities that suit to their interest and familiar to them. Teacher also can create the learning environment that can make them explore new things and learn through autonomy. Make Their day- Only by smiling to the pupils, teacher can make their day. Many teachers do not apply this simple practice in their life. With this simple practice, it can bring positive impact to the pupils on that day. Another thing is praising and motivation. Teacher can praise them when they success in performing their tasks and motivate them when they are having problems. These can give a great impact to their learning. Choose Your Attitude- Teacher plays the role as a role model to the pupils. Thus, he/she has to portray a good attitude to the pupils. Being responsible, honest, caring, loving and etc can make the pupils respect the teacher and this will develop a good relationship between the pupils and the teacher.

FISH! Philosophy can benefit both pupils and teachers. Teachers will be able to design activities that can make the pupils enjoy and have fun in learning. For the pupils, they can be more focus to the teaching and learning as they are interested.

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